Here at Lime Ridge Ag we offer agronomy products with Rob See Co, along with offering a variety of seed sizes that can be utilized in your operation. We are equipped with salesman to provide guidance with planting, soil testing, tissue testing, chemicals, seed, along with sound economic and problem solving solutions to help you get the maximum return on your investment. Seed treating and bullk delivery available as well. Your needs in the field we have them covered. Contact Rhi for all your Agronomy needs today!!
Our Services Include:
Soil Samples
Stand Counts
Population Counts
Crop Growth Staging
Root Digs
Disease Pressure and Recommendations
Insect Pressure and Recommendations
Weed Pressure and Recommendations
Proper Seed and Placement Recommendations
For more information and pricing, call us at (608) 986-2626,
Tim Willis 608-963-2696 or Rhiannon Benedetto 608-495-9401.
Lime Ridge is proud partners with Precision Planting. Find out how planting spacing placement can work for you! Spacing? Depth? Speed? Residue? Seedbed? Let us help you figure out which problem is costing you the most during planting. Planter performance working for you!! Visit